Cook Shire Council announces operational changes at Mt Tully Green Waste Facility
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Cook Shire Council announces operational changes at Mt Tully Green Waste Facility

To address the growing challenges posed by illegal dumping, while ensuring community safety and strict environmental compliance, Cook Shire Council is introducing key changes at Cooktown’s Mt Tully Green Waste Facility.

Although the Mt Tully facility will remain in operation, it will no longer be accessible to the public effective 1 September 2024. To manage and monitor access, a security gate and surveillance cameras will be installed and operational on this date. 

Mayor Robyn Holmes emphasised the importance of these changes, stating, “Managing and processing green waste incurs substantial costs. Previously residents have had free unmonitored use of the green waste area at Mt Tully, this system has placed significant financial burden on Council.  Moving to a ‘user pays’ system will ensure those using the facility are contributing to the facility’s maintenance. Introducing a monitored system will ensure environmental regulations are complied with while shifting the financial burden from all ratepayers to users.”

 To help the community further adjust to this transition and ensure properties are prepared for the extreme weather season, Council is offering a free dumping period at all waste transfer stations from Saturday, 19 October to Sunday, 3 November 2024. This free dumping period provides an ideal opportunity for residents to dispose of green waste and several other pre-sorted waste streams at no cost.

Mayor Holmes emphasised the importance of this initiative noting, "In the days before Cyclone Jasper was anticipated to make landfall, the Cooktown WTS was overwhelmed with waste as residents rushed to clear their yards. To prevent this situation from recurring, we encourage everyone to take advantage of the free dumping period and prepare their properties ahead of the extreme weather season.”

For more information or to arrange business access please contact Cook Shire Council’s Waste Management team on 4082 0500 or by emailing

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Pictured left to right, above: Cook Shire Council's Waste Management Coordinator, Kristina Davidson with Mayor Robyn Holmes discussing the cost of illegal dumping at Cooktown's Mt Tully green waste facilty, over one of the many tray-loads of items collected from the facilty each week. 

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10 Furneaux Street Cooktown, Qld 4895

Mail: PO Box 3 Cooktown, Qld 4895


Phone: (07) 4082 0500

Fax: (07) 4082 0588

Hours: 8.45am-4.45pm Monday to Friday